Environment variables

Setting different variables for different environments.


Mandy relies on an environment variable called MANDY_ENV. She needs this environment variable to determine which baseurl to use for different environments. If, for example, you’re hosting your Mandy site on GitHub in a repository called yourusername/your-site, the baseurl of your-site will not be / but /your-site. However, because you shouldn’t have to change which baseurl to use each time you add something new, Mandy uses the dev_url flag from config.json each time you develop locally and the prod_url flag each time you deploy your project. Which one is used when, is determined by the setting of the MANDY_ENV environment variable. This environment variable can either be set to production or development. The production setting is used when you are deploying your site on a server and the development setting is used for testing your site locally on your own machine.