Using Liquid Layouts

Making layouts for a Mandy-powered site.


Mandy uses Liquid as the templating language for making and rendering layouts for content in a Mandy-powered site.

In Liquid you output content using two curly braces e.g. {{ variable }} and perform logic statements by surrounding them in a curly brace percentage sign e.g. {% if statement %}. To learn more about Liquid, check out the official Liquid Documentation. Any other text in a Liquid template is HTML.


Mandy now allows you to use partials with your Mandy projects. However, her way of loading and finding these partial Liquid templates is a little different. While you might do something like {% include ’some_partial.liquid’ %} in other static-site generators, Mandy expects you to keep your partials in the partials directory of your site’s project root. She also expects you to call them likes this: {% include ’some_partial’ %} in Liquid layouts. If you fail to do either of these things, she will tell you where you went wrong.