Scaffolding a site

Scaffolding a new Mandy-powered site.


Since Mandy’s core philosophy is to make life simple, and I didn’t want anyone to manually create files and do all that tedious work, Mandy has a trick up her over-sized sleeves.

In some programming languages, you can pull in third-party libraries from GitHub. Mandy takes a similar approach. Instead of using some central service for storing themes and sites other people have made, Mandy allows you to scaffold a new Mandy site directly from a GitHub repository. Here’s a small example:

mandy -i mysite -w angeldollface/mandy-template-site
# OR
mandy --init mysite --wtmpl angeldollface/mandy-template-site
# OR
mandy init mysite wtmpl angeldollface/mandy-template-site

In this example we scaffold a new site using the default theme I have made from the repository angeldollface/mandy-template-site. We scaffold this new site in the directory mysite.